Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Dancing Raisins!

I keep glancing at the calendar wondering where the time has gone! We had a bad snow storm and as a result, missed our first scheduled week back in January! My mind is racing on how I can stay focused and make up that week of missed work. While I was off on snow days, I managed to post one of the units on TPT that I developed for my small study groups that I meet with in my room. I really like to try and create lessons that will get my bundles of energy excited about reading and writing. I have to say, this did the trick!

Yes you are seeing correctly, we did a science experiment. I took a common experiment, added in a mini lesson on inferences and tied that to the idea of a hypothesis. Students then did an experiment, used visualization and even wrote a science report. Yup....I just said science report!!!
Sometimes I find it challenging to get my students with disabilities to write, but they were more than happy to write these reports. Hope this gives you some great ideas on ways to create some lessons that will get your students writing and using skills they have learned. 

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